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Procrastination Awareness Week (PAW)

Procrastination Awareness Week (PAW)

March 6-10th is National Procrastination Week! A week long event of free virtual workshops, study halls, and social opportunities! Learn strategies related to focus and concentration, motivation, time management, writing, studying, and exam preparation! Meet students from all across Canada! Over 20 universities and colleges are participating. REGISTER FOR PAW With generous support from the […]

Procrastination Awareness Week (PAW)

Procrastination Awareness Week (PAW)

You’re Invited to Procrastination Awareness Week (PAW)! Participate in free online workshops on study strategies and time management. These sessions are some of the most popular workshops from academic institutions across Canada! Take advantage of a shared virtual study hall or the social/decompression room. You might be surprised to find what a difference it makes […]