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Post-Consumer Management of EV Batteries: Regulatory Regimes in Canada, the U.S. and the European Union

Post-Consumer Management of EV Batteries: Regulatory Regimes in Canada, the U.S. and the European Union

The rapid electrification of transportation is an essential component of climate change mitigation strategies. However, the growing fleets of electric vehicles (EVs) will eventually translate into large numbers of EV batteries that have reached their end of life. Questions are also being raised about the sustainability of EV battery supply chains, particularly the increased extraction […]

Metrolinx Pop Up Event

Metrolinx Pop Up Event

Metrolinx is coming to York University on Tuesday, November 29,  from 12 pm to 3 pm at the Vari Hall Rotunda. Metrolinx is currently undertaking the largest transportation investment in Ontario’s history, while also operating GO Transit, UP Express and PRESTO. If you are interested in knowing more about who they are, what they do, local projects, and student discounts, feel […]

Transportation at York: Academic and Professional Path | Seminar

Transportation at York: Academic and Professional Path | Seminar

This seminar is about studying transportation at York University. 2 speakers will talk about the academic and professional path they experienced during and after their studies. Dr. Kevin Gingerich is an assistant professor in transportation at York University and is the advising faculty member who represents ITE York University Student Chapter Erik Nevland is the […]

Red Bull Flugtag 2022 Viewing

Red Bull Flugtag 2022 Viewing

Join ITE York U to visit the Red Bull Flugtag Canada 2022 at Ontario Place. We are meeting at York University Subway Station on Saturday, September 24 at 10:00 am. We have some surprises for you. Flugtag challenges wacky engineers and fearless pilots to fulfill their dream of flying. First, they construct their flying machine. Then […]

Hack ITE York U

Hack ITE York U

IN-PERSON EXPERIENCE REGISTRATION Hack ITE York is going to be ITE’s first official hackathon ever. Over 36 hours with more than 50 of the top graduate and undergraduate technical talent from Lassonde School of Engineering, they will create, code and collaborate to build their projects and solve the most difficult sustainable mobility challenges. This is […]

ITE York U | Autonomous Vehicles Seminar

ITE York U | Autonomous Vehicles Seminar

Dear York U members, ITE York U Chapter is inviting you to the Autonomous Vehicles Seminar Date: Friday, Feb. 25, 2022. Time: 6 to 7 p.m. Speakers Dr. Mehdi Nourinejad – Assistant Professor | York University Barrie Kirk – Executive Director | CAVCOE   Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 942 3445 4130 Passcode: 157046