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Life-centred Futures: Sustainability, Interaction Design and AI

Life-centred Futures: Sustainability, Interaction Design and AI

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) are more broadly encompassed by the five pillars of People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership. The five Ps are a framework through which the SDGs can be better understood, showing the interconnected nature of each SDG and sustainability as a whole. By unpacking the SDGs through this […]

Fluid Perspectives: Navigating the Future of Water

Fluid Perspectives: Navigating the Future of Water

International World Water Day and World Environment Day Panel Discussion The panel discussion fosters dialogue and collaboration among diverse stakeholders to address pressing water challenges and explore innovative solutions. By bringing together experts from academia, government, industry, civil society, and the student community, we seek to leverage collective expertise and insights to drive positive change […]