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A Celebration of the Black Community at York

A Celebration of the Black Community at York

This collaborative event is proudly brought to you by the: York University Black Alumni Network (YUBAN) York University Black Staff Network (YUBSN) Black Excellence at York University (BE YU) initiative Student Community & Leadership Development (SCLD) York University-TD Community Engagement Centre and the Black community-based student organizations. These Black community groups, alongside the support of […]

Sustainability Alumni Networking Event

Sustainability Alumni Networking Event

We’re thrilled to welcome you to the newly formed Sustainability Alumni Network! Whether you graduated recently or years ago, we’re excited to bring together a community of alumni passionate about sustainability and environmental action. Our mission is to create a network that strengthens our connections to each other and to York U, supporting personal and […]

Enhancing the visibility of your research: social sciences, arts and humanities

Enhancing the visibility of your research: social sciences, arts and humanities

This practical workshop will introduce trends in scholarly publishing of particular relevance to graduate students and junior scholars in social science, arts and humanities. Techniques to increase the discoverability of scholarship on the web via researcher identifiers, self-archiving and open-access publishing will also be covered during the session. Register in advance at:

Enhancing the visibility of your research: STEM

Enhancing the visibility of your research: STEM

This practical workshop will introduce trends in scholarly publishing of particular relevance to graduate students and junior scholars in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Techniques to increase the discoverability of scholarship on the web via researcher identifiers, self-archiving and open-access publishing will also be covered during the session. Register at:

Safeguarding your research data

Safeguarding your research data

Grant applications and ethics protocols suggest you need to ensure research data is kept secure, but the “how” of managing this task is rarely addressed. We’ll guide you through common research issues connected with privacy and security using online or “cloud” services for file storage, ensuring a lost laptop doesn’t mean compromised data, taking control of […]

Zotero for collaborative research projects

Zotero for collaborative research projects

Zotero is a free, open-source tool to manage and track bibliographic citations. This series of live workshops are designed to take participants beyond the basics of using Zotero to having it serve as a fully-fledged research partner. By the end of this live workshop, participants will understand how to: share a Zotero collection with a specific group […]

Reading and annotating with Zotero

Reading and annotating with Zotero

Zotero is a free, open-source  tool to manage and track bibliographic citations. This series of live workshops are designed to take participants beyond the basics of using Zotero to having it serve as a fully fledged research partner. By the end of this live workshop, participants should be able to: manage research notes using Zotero, and generate reports […]

Organizing Zotero collections

Organizing Zotero collections

Zotero is a free, open source tool to manage and track bibliographic citations. This series of live workshops are designed to take participants beyond the basics of using Zotero to having it serve as a fully fledged research partner. By the end of this live workshop, participants should be able to: contrast the use of collections, tags and related […]

Citation analysis tools for mapping the literature

Citation analysis tools for mapping the literature

Citation analysis is a way of measuring the relative importance or impact of author, article or publication, and exploring links between them. Citation analysis can support the early stages of research by summarizing and mapping existing knowledge and research on a particular subject, and identifying gaps in the literature. It can also be used to […]