ZEAL Application Deadline
ZEAL Application Form
ZEAL is a project funded by the Agents of Change at Stong and Calumet colleges, the project aims to assist students who are the first of their families to attend university by acting as a rapid response team that can quickly work with students on ad-hoc academic and financial issues.
ZEAL is recruiting 2 Executive positions and 5 facilitators for Winter 2021:
Events Coordinator:
Creates monthly events proposals – Planning the time and date of our weekly sessions – Creates a calendar for the weekly sessions
Creates a calendar for the weekly blogs – Reviews the content before publishing – Contacts other organisations to recruit volunteers for blogging
Gained opportunities:
You will join an organization that is run and administered by dedicated senior students and supervised and funded by the Agents of change program that is affiliated with the faculty of health
Upon completion of your term you may have the chance to get a certificate/ letter from Stong and Calumet colleges.
You will gain substantial professional skills that will aid you after graduation. – You will be part of a community that prioritizes support, empathy and inclusivity. Please submit your application by filling out the attached form​.