You’re Invited! OMNI-RÉUNIS Health-a-thon Final Presentations SEPT 15 13:00-15:00 EDT
The OMNI-RÉUNIS HQP Training team (Jane Heffernan – York University, Mike Kallos – University of Calgary, and Mark Lewis – University of Victoria) is pleased to invite you to attend the “Summer Heath-a-thon Final Presentation Event” on September 15th from 13:00-15:00 EDT.
The ten-week Summer Health-a-thon program provided 29 trainees the opportunity to work collaboratively in groups with other EIDM trainees and researchers across Canada to work on real-world EIDM questions (with a One Health focus) provided by government and industry. The groups tackled the following:
- Group 1: A counterfactual assessment: quantifying the number of cases and death averted given the public health mitigation programs over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Group 2: A Review of Monkeypox
- Group 3: Modelling Monkeypox
- Group 4: Forecasting influenza and COVID-19 infections for Fall 2022
- Group 5: Estimating the true number of COVID-19 infections
->The presentations will be judged by a panel of judges including a representative from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).
->The winning Health-a-thon project will be announced after the event! The winning team will receive a cash prize incentive of $2000 (CAD) to contribute to the publication of a paper. Not to miss!
Click the Zoom link to join on September 15 (no registration required): https://yorku.zoom.us/j/97621700843 .
To learn, please visit https://omni-reunis.ca/
If you have any questions, please contact Natasha Ketter, Program Manager of OMNI-RÉUNIS at nketter@yorku.ca
Thank you for joining us!
Organized by the OMNI-RÉUNIS HQP Training Team – Dr. Jane Heffernan