York U Scholars Hub at Markham Public Library Speakers Series
Markham Public Library and York University invite you to the Scholars Hub Speaker Series. The partnershipbrings some of York’s top academic minds to York Region.
The winter 2018 series, titled ‘School of Thought,’ features talks by academics and researchersfrom the faculties of Health, Science, LA&PS,OsgoodeandSchulich.
Space for each talk is limited. Refreshments are provided.
Mar. 14, 2019 | If An International Law Breaks In The Forest, Does Anyone Hear It? Good Thing Professors Are Listening
Steven Hoffman (Professor, Osgoode; Director, Global Strategy Lab)
How do you hold countries accountable when they break international law? As the world gets smaller, we are increasingly counting on international law to help solve global challenges like human rights, disease, and climate change.Global governance institutions like the United Nations have limited ability to enforce laws. Though there are few international legal scholars workingin any given area, the role of monitoring and enforcing international laws largely falls to them. Professor Steven Hoffman is a lawyer in the area of global health, and recent events including the Ebola crisis and cannabis legalization have demonstrated the challenges facing international law, and the importance of institutions that help to defend it.
This unique partnership is part of York University’s goals for community engagement and reputation-building, with a unique collaboration that invites alumni, students and their families, and the public to engage in meaningful talks and discussions.
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/markham-yorku-scholars-hub-if-an-international-law-breaks-in-the-forest-does-anyone-hear-it-tickets-52976925410.