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York U Scholars Hub at Markham Public Library Speakers Series

Markham Public Library and York University invite you to the Scholars Hub Speaker Series. The partnershipbrings some of York’s top academic minds to York Region.
The winter 2018 series, titled ‘School of Thought,’ features talks by academics and researchersfrom the faculties of Health, Science, LA&PS,OsgoodeandSchulich.
Space for each talk is limited. Refreshments are provided.
Feb. 14, 2019 | Genome Engineering and its Applications Including Legal and Ethical Issues
Ronald E. Pearlman (Professor, Faculty of Science)
Precise manipulation and editing genomes has been a spectacular advance in the life sciences and is a revolution in biomedical science with profound applications and implications in all areas of the life sciences. The technology for genome editing, referred to as ‘CRISPR’, has developed very recently from basic studies on adaptive immunity in bacteria; how bacteria protect themselves from viral infection. Many of the applications of genome editing, in medicine (e.g. ‘precision medicine’) and in other areas, have important ethical consequences. We will discuss the scientific foundation of the technology and introduce some of its applications, as well as discussing legal and ethical implications for the use of the technology.
This unique partnership is part of York University’s goals for community engagement and reputation-building, with a unique collaboration that invites alumni, students and their families, and the public to engage in meaningful talks and discussions.


Feb 14 2019


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Markham Village Library @ 6031 York Regional Road 7 Markham, ON L3P 3A7
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