York Faculty and Researcher Workshop on Critical Social Science Perspectives in Global Health
Challenging the divide between academic and applied research, the Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research invites the York University community to join the discussion on critical social science perspectives in global health research at the second annual “York Faculty and Researcher Workshop on Critical Social Science Perspectives in Global Health” – a two-day workshop that will be held virtually via Zoom on Wednesday, February 24 (1 – 2:30 p.m.) and Thursday, February 25 (2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.).
Participants will discover, share, and engage with members of the research community at York University from a variety of disciplines which we hope will lead to new insights, collaboration, and research opportunities.
On 4 December 2019, the Dahdaleh Institute held the inaugural Workshop on Critical Perspectives in Global Health. An open call to York University researchers for presentations yielded a variety of perspectives on and avenues for this work, with 5 recipients receiving the inaugural seed grant to enable and support further critical social science research in global health. While the definition of what constitutes critical research is quite broad, it usually involves the use of critical theory with social justice aims.
York University Faculty and other York University researchers are once again invited to join the discussion. The two-day workshop will include presentations from organizing committee members Dr. Marina Morrow (Professor, School of Health Policy and Management), Dr. Eric Mykhalovskiy (Professor, Department of Sociology), Dr. Roger Keil (Professor, Faculty of Environment and Urban Change), and Dr. James Orbinski (Director, Dahdaleh Institute) as well as, research updates from each of the five inaugural Seed Grant recipients. The workshop will also feature “Two Slides/Five Minutes” pitches on current or proposed research interests on Critical Social Science Perspectives in Global Health and an opportunity to network with colleagues and experts in the field. This is an open call to York University researchers for presentations.
Interested researchers are encouraged to prepare a brief Five Minutes/Two Slides presentation on any research project – current or planned – which takes this approach. Following the workshop, the Dahdaleh Institute will again offer five research seed grants of up to $5,000 CAD each, to support the development of further research in Critical Social Science Perspectives in Global Health. These seed grants will support critical social science perspectives in the global health research that is taking place or is planned at York University, and that contributes to the Themes of the Dahdaleh Institute (www.yorku.ca/dighr); these themes are: 1) Planetary Health, 2) Global Health and Humanitarianism, and 3) Global Health Foresighting.
Tickets: https://www.yorku.ca/dighr/event/critical-social-science-perspectives-in-global-health/.