York alumni in London: Canadian university alumni mixer
York University is proud to be a sponsor of this year’s Canada – UK Chamber of Commerce’s Canadian Universities Alumni Networking Reception, taking place on May 5, 2022.
We’d like to invite York alumni residing in the UK to attend and enjoy an evening of networking. Expand your professional network, mingle with fellow Canadians in London and catch up with your alma mater in Princess Alexandra Hall at the exclusive Royal Over-Seas League Club.
There will be a business card draw taking place at the mixer with a range of great prizes available.
Tickets are on sale at £16.76 including VAT and fees (for members of the Canada-UK Chamber of Commerce) and £32.93 including VAT and fees (for non-members). There may be a small number of tickets available at a subsidized rate for those who qualify. Please contact Ellie Coult, Manager, Regional Alumni Programs for more details ecoult@yorku.ca.
Purchase tickets: https://www.canada-uk.org/2022-events/2nd-annual-canadian-university-mixer
We’ve missed our London community and are excited to be back in the UK after two long years. We hope to see you there.