Women Warriors and National Heroes: Global Perspectives
Women Warriors and National Heroes: Global Perspectives
Date: Thursday, September 27-28, 2018
Place: Archives of Ontario – York University
All states, aspiring nations, and political movements create their own heroes, but do they do so in the same way? And
who are these heroes? While much of the historical literature has focused on male heroes and the masculine foundations of the nation-state, this conference examines women warriors and the complex ways their heroism has been gendered.
A group of renowned international scholars of Africa, East Asia, Europe, Latin America, and North America explore themes of sexuality, violence, indigeneity, and commemoration in the local and global circulation of hero cults devoted to women warriors.
Link to the conference’s website: http://aviebennettchair.info.yorku.ca/conference-2018-women-warriors-and-national-heroes-global-perspectives/
Sponsored by The Avie Bennett Historica Canada Chair in Canadian History
Organisée par la Chaire Avie Bennett Historica Canada en histoire canadienne
The Department of History, The Department of Humanities
Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation
Founders College, York University
CERLAC – Centre for Reserach on Latin America and the Caribbean
Robarts – Centre for Canadian Studies
YCAR – York Centre for Asian Research
Spain Ats & Culture