Webinar: Award-Winning Innovations in Youth Homelessness Prevention
Making the Shift is hosting an engaging conversation with their 2023 Youth Homelessness Prevention Awards winners: Niginan (Keri Cardinal) and Wyndham House (Kristen Cairney), and honourable mentions CHMA – Kelowna (Mike Gawlick) and NFA-Y (Matt Forget).
Join us to learn about the approach of their successful youth homelessness prevention initiatives: Niginan Housing Ventures, Concurrent Specialized Youth Hub, Preventing Discharge to No Fixed Address for Youth and Bright Mindz, as well as lessons they have learned through these projects.
Register: yorku.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_N3mqWd5uT1iHjw-Hvd58GQ#/registration.
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