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Virtual Drop-In Session: Master of Biotechnology Management (MBM) & Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (GDB)

The Master of Biotechnology Management (MBM) is a graduate program designed to provide students who hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology, Biological Sciences, Biotechnology, Life Science, or related discipline, and have little/no work experience in Biotechnology, with practical interdisciplinary training in Biotechnology and Management to enhance their competitiveness and employability in the biotechnology management related sectors.

The Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (GDB) is a graduate certification designed for students who hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology, Biological Sciences, Biotechnology, Life Science, or related discipline, and have little/no work experience in Biotechnology, to enhance their competitiveness and employability in the biotechnology sector. The Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology is designed to provide professional preparation for our graduates to fill current labor needs in the biotechnology sector and strengthen the Canadian economy.

Drop by one of our virtual sessions every other Thursday from 10-10:30am (Eastern Time) to meet the Graduate Program Director and Graduate Program Assistant who will be able to answer any of your questions about the programs.

Please Join us on Zoom


Mar 27 2025


10:00 am - 10:30 am


Online Zoom


Faculty of Graduate Studies
Faculty of Graduate Studies
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