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Uruguayan Film Festival

invite you to a
Uruguayan Film Festival
launching at the
Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies “CALACS at 50” Conference at
York University, May 2019, 7pm
May 10, with reception and introduction 6:15-7pm (Second Student Centre, Keele Campus; film at 7pm) (duration of film: 1h 37 min)
The Engineer

Summary: fifteen years ago, when our national soccer team entered the field for the Americas Cup final, the successful coach, the engineer Erramuspe, never showed up. Two days later he resigned his position for ‘personal reasons.’ Since then journalists have been trying to interview him to know about what happened, Engineer led the team to a World Cup final, finally gets the interview.
El ingeniero
Trama: hace 15 años, cuando la selección entre a la cancha para disputar la final de la Copa América, su exitoso director técnico, el ingeniero Erramuspe, no salió del vestuario. A los dos días se recibió una carta de renuncia por ‘motivos personales.’ Todo lo que rodeo a su renuncia ha permanecido en secreto hasta hoy, cuando un joven periodista logra que le conceda una entrevista. (Director: Diego Arsuaga, 2012)
May 17 (Nat Taylor Cinema, N102 Ross Building North, Keele Campus) Doors open at 6:30pm; introduction and film at 7 pm (duration of film: 1h 42 min)
So Much Water

Summary: the story of Alberto, a father who since his divorce has spent little time with his children Lucia and Federico. One thunderous morning, all three set off for some thermal springs. The holiday is to be short and they want to make the best of it, especially the enthusiastic Alberto who hopes that nothing will foil his plans. But the thermal baths are closed until further notice and, as his children give his reproachful looks, Albert reacts in a split second and flies off the handle. Soon, everyone’s nerves are on edge as the humidity becomes increasingly sticky. Rain continues to fall, as the house rented by Alberto seems to be shrinking by the hour.
Tanta agua
Trama: desde el divorcio, Alberto ya no pasa tanto tiempo con Lucía y Federico. Los tres salen hacia las termas una madrugada de tormenta, para unas breves vacaciones. Siempre entusiasta, Alberto trata de que nada arruine sus planes. Pero las piscinas cerradas por tiempo indeterminado y las miradas reprobatorias de sus hijos hacen que pierda el control. Rápidamente los ánimos se vuelven mas susceptibles y el clima más pegajoso. Mientras tanto la lluvia sigue cayendo y la casa que Alberto alquiló parece ir haciéndose cadica. (Directoras: Ana Guevara & Leticia Jorge, 2013)
May 24 (Nat Taylor Cinema, N102 Ross Building North, Keele Campus) Doors open at 6:30pm; introduction and film at 7pm (duration of film: 1h 2omin)
El Bella Vista

Summary: on the outskirts of a small provincial city in Uruguay, the Bella Vista Football Club lost its final game and was eliminated from its category, due to a fight that broke out between fans and players. The club house was turned into a successful brothel, but every night the neighborhood was overrun with cars, bicycles, horses, moans, shouts and fighting. Local residents brought these stories to the attention of Paton Lerena, former director of the club and patriarch of a large family and local strongman. He immediately gathered a group together to evict the ‘undesirable’ elements from the club. To exorcize the sinful past, the local residents establish a Catholic chapel there. Since then, guided by a cheerful nun, the children attend catechism classes, dancing and singing praises to the Lord in the rooms that formerly housed the brothel.
El Bella Vista:
Trama: documental que traza la historia de una casa en un pequeño pueblo de Uruguay, un lugar que comenzó siendo un club de fútbol, se convirtió más tarde en un burdel de travestis y terminó siendo una capilla católica debido a las presiones de la sociedad más conservadora del lugar. (Directora: Alicia Cano Menoni, 2012)
May 31 (Nat Taylor Cinema, N102 Ross Building North, Keele Campus) Doors open at 6:30pm; introduction and film at 7pm (duration of film: 1h 25min)
Norberto’s Deadline
Summary: after being fired from his job, Norberto tries his luck as a real estate agent, but he doesn’t tell his wife right away. His new boss advises him to take an assertiveness course to overcome his shyness, and Norberto starts taking classes in an acting workshop for beginners. While he works toward the quarterly festival, Norberto fails to get his wife and clients to believe anything he says, but he finds out he is very good at lying to himself.
Norberto apenas tarde
Trama: tras ser echado de su trabajo, Norberto prueba suerte como vendedor en una inmobiliaria y demora en contarle a su mujer. Su nuevo jefe le recomienda un curso de reafirmación personal para supercar su timidez. Así Norberto comienza a estudiar actuación en un taller de principiantes. Mientras se prepara para la muestra trimestral, Norberto no logra ser creíble con los clientes ni con su esposa, pero descubre una gran habilidad para mentirse a sí mismo. (Director: Daniel Hendler, 2010)


May 10 2019


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Second Student Centre @ York University
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