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Thriving in Transition as a Mature Student: Building Habits for University Success

This workshop empowers mature students during their transition into university life. We explore effective habit formation, discuss strategies for thriving and tap into new-found power through intentional habits. Whether you’re returning to education after a break or starting fresh, this workshop equips you with practical tools for success. Join us in forming effective habits as you begin your academic journey.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understanding Habit Formation: Participants will learn the science behind habit creation, including cues, routines and rewards. We’ll explore how to establish positive habits aligned with academic and personal goals.
  2. Identifying Key Components: Analyze the key components of habit formation and understand their role in shaping daily routines and achieving long-term goals.
  3. Practical Techniques: Learn the six-step process for habit formation, applying it to shape daily routines and achieve long-term success.
  4. Creating Effective Habits: Discover how intentional habits impact overall well-being. Address study routines and self-regulation, breaking old patterns and embracing habits that enhance learning and well-being as a mature student.

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