The Winter 2020 Michael Baptista Lecture : Central American Migrants in Limbo: Transit Experiences and Grassroots Responses
The Winter 2020 Michael Baptista Lecture
Central American Migrants in Limbo:
Transit Experiences and Grassroots Responses
March 11, 2020
Toronto Reference Library – Beeton Hall
789 Yonge Street
5:00pm – 7:00pm
Reception to Follow
With the Trump administration’s hardline policies at the US-Mexico border, the challenges faced by migrants fleeing violence and poverty in northern Central America have been making global headlines.
This event highlights the transit experiences of Central Americans as they attempt to cross multiple borders and the response of grassroots humanitarian organizations in Mexico and the United States.
It features three speakers working in Mexico, Guatemala, and the Mexico-US border region: researcher Gio B’atz’ (Giovanni Batz) – New Mexico State, researcher Elizabeth Oglesby – University of Arizona, and activist and organizer Adalberto Ramos – Centro de Recursos para Migrantes.
Discussant: Francisco Rico-Martinez