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Teaching Kitchen – Celebrating Black History Month

Celebrate Black History Month: Exploring Traditional Cuisine and Cultural Connections

Join us in celebrating Black History Month with this classic southern dessert- banana pudding! Chef Donna will guide you through each step, from layering the custard to perfectly arranging the wafers and bananas. During this in-person event you’ll get to meet and chat with our Public Health Nurses and Dietitian, as we explore the historical significance of this delicious dish and its deep roots in Black culinary traditions. Together, we’ll discuss how culture shapes both food and wellness, while exploring nutrition and health along the way.

Come for the cooking, stay for the conversation and leave with a deeper appreciation for both the flavours and the stories that shape black culture.

Whether you’re new to cooking or a seasoned pro, this event is perfect for anyone looking to learn, have fun and explore the rich heritage of Black culture and cuisine.

Don’t forget to bring your own takeout container to enjoy any leftovers!
If you have been prescribed an EpiPen, please bring it with you to the event.

This event is exclusively for York University Students.

Mark your calendars and register now. We can’t wait to see you there!

Date: Tuesday Feburary 25, 2025

Time: 2:00PM – 3:00PM

Location: Ross South S166

York University is committed to a positive, supportive, and inclusive environment. The Teaching Kitchen offers accommodation for those with disabilities. Please advise if you require accommodation.

By registering for the event you agree with the following photography and cooking consents:

Photography Consent:

I hereby grant permission to York University and its representatives to take photographs or videos of me and to make recordings of my voice. I further grant to York University and its representatives the right to reproduce, use, exhibit, display, broadcast and distribute these images and recordings in any media now known or later developed for promoting, publicizing or explaining York University and its activities and for administrative, educational or research purposes. Photographs, video images and voice recordings are the property of York University.

Cooking Consent:

By participating in one or more of the Compass Group Canada Ltd. (“Compass”) cooking classes being held at the (the “Premise”) on and such other dates as may be scheduled (individually or collectively, the “Cooking Classes”) and signing my name below, I confirm that I recognize that there are certain risks inherent in activities of this nature, and accordingly, I hereby consent to, and assume the responsibilities and risks of, my participation in all of the activities associated with the Cooking Classes, and I hereby release and waive all claims against Compass, its customer and its directors, officers and employees for any and all liability for any injury or damage sustained by me, including any liability or claims to the extent resulting from my negligence, arising from my participation in the Cooking Classes and I agree to indemnify Compass, its customers and its directors, officers and employees for any third party claims that may be made against it for any and all liability for any injury or damage sustained by such third parties to the extent resulting from my actions or failure to act, including any liability or claims to the extent resulting from my negligence, in connection with my participation in the Cooking Classes.

I agree to comply with all applicable health, sanitary, safety and other laws, regulations, by-laws and directions of Compass, its customer and any competent governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Premise.

York University is committed to a positive, supportive, and inclusive environment. The Teaching Kitchen offers accommodation for those with disabilities. Please advise if you require accommodation.


Register Now!


Feb 25 2025


2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Ross South 166 (Nourish YU Zone)
Keele Campus



Other Organizers

Student Counselling, Health & Well-being
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