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Student Nurses’ Voices Speaker Series

Student Nurses’ Voices from Africa

The world’s nurses have been enduring ceaseless challenges from overwhelmed health-care systems, resulting in anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress and escalating burnout, as well as increased threats, hostility and violence. These have been further exacerbated by the most recent COVID-19 pandemic that strained the frontline nurses worldwide. Even as nurses have been appreciated and widely trusted for this service, the prevalent absence of nursing’s public voice contributes to the fact that nurses continue to be undervalued. Of course, student nurses – the future of nursing worldwide – are keenly aware of these challenges. With their voices, student nurses can bring contemporary perspectives from the inherent global and digital awareness characteristic of their generation.

This Student Nurses’ Voices Speaker Series will continue its innovative global multimedia outreach to prepare and engage nurses. This series aims to focus on the future of nursing by engaging student nurses to become empowered leading public storytellers and to share their stories of healing advocacy, resilience and collaboration for a healthy world – as thought leaders across the global public space and to the listening ears of everyone.

This session, join us to hear from student nurses from: University of Ghana; Kaaf University College, Ghana; University of Botswana; Pretoria University, South Africa; and Aga Khan University School of Nursing & Midwifery, Kenya.

Register here:


Jan 14 2025


12:00 pm - 2:00 pm


(URL will be provided in the email confirmation)


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