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Strategies for Getting Hired within the Federal Government

Meet professionals who do the hiring, gain insight into the field and get strategies and tips on:

What kinds of positions and roles there are within the Federal Government;
What kinds of skills and knowledge are required;
What the recruitment process is like;
How to make connections within the field;
What is involved in the application process, e.g. specific hiring dates, materials required;
What to expect during the interview;
How to succeed on the job.

Registration is required.You may register for this event onExperience York(you will be able to sign in using your Passport York).
Key note speaker: Taki Sarantakis, President, Canada School of Public Service
Alumna: MA, Political Science, 1993
The Canada School of Public Service leads the government’s enterprise-wide approach to learning by providing a common, standardized curriculum that supports public servants through key career transitions, ensuring that they are equipped to serve Canadians with excellence.
Participating Organizations:

Geneviève Mineault-Martineau, HR Advisor / Conseillère RH

Public Service Commission of Canada/Commission de la fonction publique du Canada

The Public Service Commission (PSC) is responsible for promoting and safeguarding a merit-based, representative and non-partisan public service that serves all Canadians, in collaboration with stakeholders. We also manage the tools for public service recruitment, providing applicants and managers with a single portal to access all public service job opportunities.
La Commission de la fonction publique (CFP) est chargée de promouvoir et de maintenir, en collaboration avec ses partenaires, une fonction publique non partisane, fondée sur le mérite et représentative, au service de tous les Canadiens. Nous gérons aussi les outils de recrutement de la fonction publique afin d’offrir aux postulants et aux gestionnaires un portail unique donnant accès à toutes les possibilités d’emploi dans la fonction publique.

Ashley Nanner, Director, Labour Market and Socioeconomic Information

Service Canada

Service Canada, Ontario Region
Federal government

Lily Eaton, Human Resources Advisor

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Alumnua: BA, Psychology, 2000
Vision for a stronger Canada
A stronger Canada – a safe and secure country with a shared bond of citizenship and values; a country that continues to support our humanitarian tradition and draws the best from the world to help build a nation that is economically, socially and culturally prosperous.
Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada and its partners will build a stronger Canada by:
Developing and implementing policies, programs and services that: ◦facilitate the arrival of people and their integration into Canada in a way that maximizes their contribution to the country while protecting the health, safety and security of Canadians;

maintain Canada’s humanitarian tradition by protecting refugees and people in need of protection;
enhance the values and promote the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship; and
reach out to all Canadians and foster increased intercultural understanding and an integrated society with equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, ethnicity and religion.
Advancing global migration policies in a way that supports Canada’s immigration and humanitarian objectives.

Candy Huycke, Executive Director

ESDC-Service Canada
Alumna: Hons. BA, Political Science, Social Science, 1978
I am an Executive Director in Service Canada, we are responsible for income security programs; Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security. This year we were also responsible for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). This year posed many challenges for our department but we were able to demonstrate that even an organization of our size can respond quickly to meet the needs of Canadians.

Diana Soares,Director

Service Canada
Alumna: BA, Political Science, Social Science, 2007
Service Canada delivers programs and services to each and every Canadian throughout their lives. We develop policies and programs that support Canadians and provide a wide range of support in communities across the country. As the ‘face’ of government, with locations across the country, we not only lead key programs such as Employment Insurance, Pensions and Passport services, but we also deliver services on behalf of other departments and agencies. We are always seeking talented individuals who are interested in supporting the work we do.

[accordion title=’Olivier Bullion, Director, Policy, Canada School of Public Service’]
Olivier Bullion
Director, Policy, Canada School of Public Service
Alumna: MA, Economics, 2001
The primary responsibility of the Canada School of Public Service is to provide a broad range of learning opportunities and to establish a culture of learning within the Public Service. The School provides accessible high quality learning and training that meet the changing needs of the public service, and supportive research, testing and advisory services that inform the adoption of leading practices and tools.
Networking Mix Participants
Lily Eaton
Human Resources Advisor, Human Resources
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada / Government of Canada
George Hoang
Human Resources Advisor, Services and Business Development Sector
Public Service Commission of Canada / Government of Canada
Jennifer Hinton
Director, Assessments and Talent Scouting / Directrice des évaluations et jumelage des candidats
Public Service Commission / Commission de la Fonction Publique
Sharmin Bashar
Human Resources Advisor, Services and Business Development Sector
Public Service Commission of Canada / Government of Canada


Jan 20 2021


11:00 am - 1:00 pm


Virtual Event
Virtual Event
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