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Graduate Program in Social & Political Thought 50th Anniversary Symposium

The Graduate Program in Social & Political Thought (SPTH) is celebrating its 50th anniversary this academic year. The interdisciplinary program was launched in York’s early days by faculty in several departments across the humanities and social sciences to foster the study and teaching of innovative forms of critical thought in the areas of culture, society and politics. The program has also long been host to many members very active in social justice movements and contemporary art scenes. Join us as former and current faculty and students critically reflect on SPTH’s history and potential futures.


9 to 9:45 a.m.              Opening remarks

SPTH GPD David Cecchetto

FGS Dean Alice MacLachlan

LA&PS AD Ravi de Costa

9:45 to 10:45 a.m.          Panel 1: Reflections on the Origins and Development of SPTH

Gary Genosko (Prof of Communications and Digital Media, Ontario Tech University; early graduate of SPTH)

Brian Singer (Prof Emeritus, Sociology, York University; graduate, faculty, and former director of SPTH)

11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.          Panel 2: A History of Struggle and (a Reminder) of Presence:

Black Studies and Studies of Racism in SPT

Himani Bannerji (Prof Emerita, Sociology and SPTH, York U)

Kamala Kempadoo (Prof Emerita, Social Sciences and SPTH, York U, former director SPTH)

Eve Haque (Prof, Dept of Language, Literatures, and Linguistics, York Research Chair; former director and current faculty SPTH)

Evelyn Amponsah (Adjunct Prof at University of Toronto, Former Director of Centre for the Advancement of the Interests of Black People, Co-founder of York University Black Graduate Collective, PhD graduate of SPTH)

12:30 to 1:30 p.m.          Lunch

1:30 to 3 p.m.            Panel 3: Continuities and Transformations of Critical Theory in SPTH

Arnold Farr (Prof Philosophy, University of Kentucky; longtime collaborator with SPTH members)

Ksenia Jourova (SPTH PhD student)


Terry Maley (Associate Prof of Politics and SPTH, York University)

3:15 to 4:45 p.m.            Panel 4: Abolition and SPTH

Neil Braganza (Sessional Instructor in Depts of Humanities, Politics, and Social Science; former PhD student in SPTH)

Stephanie Latella (PhD student in SPTH)

Patrick Teed (PhD student in SPTH)

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Sep 22 2023


9:00 am - 4:30 pm


Senate Chambers, Ross N940 @ 4700 Keele St, North York, ON M3J 1P3, Canada
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