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Sleep for Better Grades

Did you know in a recent NCHA survey, York students reported ‘sleep difficulties” as the #3 as the top academic stress?
What we know is that research is increasingly showing that more and more students are not getting enough sleep, which can have a negative impact on their grades. Among the reasons for these changes in sleeping patterns are increased part-time working hours, pulling all-nighters to finish a paper or cram for an exam, and watching television, scrolling on social challenges at bedtime.
Our peer health educators are here to share with you both tried and tested tips (backed by good science) to get your sleep back on track and improve your sleep hygiene (no it doesn’t mean taking a nap in the tub!) to support better grades and academic success.
Registration link opens in October.


Nov 19 2020


11:00 am - 12:00 pm

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