Sensorium Virtual Salon
Sensorium Virtual Salon
Though current circumstances prevent us from gathering in person, we remain committed to facilitating a space for members of Sensorium to socialize and connect with community. Please join usThursday, April 30, 2020from2:00-4:00pmvia Zoom for our SensoriumVirtual Salon!
All members of the Sensorium and AMPD community are welcome to attend. The event will start off with a quick intro and update from the Centre, attendee introductions, followed by discussion. Salon attendees are welcome (but not obligated!) to share:
Personal stories and/or strategies for coping with life during Covid-19.
Short Presentations (2-3 minutes) based on ongoing research and/or how the current crisis has reconfigured the content of your work (such as through political, economic, interpersonal and ecological relationships)
Visual Narrative Sharing of objects, spaces, images and booklists which invoke certain questions, lines of inquiry or a “show-and-tell” of alternative spaces for artistic creation
If you are interested in attending, please Zoom event link and password will be provided to those to RSVP.
Questions? Don’t hesitate to ask Centre Coordinator Alanna who can be reached