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Sensorium Virtual Salon : Hybrid

Sensorium Virtual Salon :Hybrid
Thursday, July16th | 2:00-4:00pm
Location: Zoom TBC

featuring presentations by:
Aftab Mirzaei (STS)
Debashis Sinha (Department of Theatre)
Magda Kazubowski-Houston (Department of Theatre, Centre for Imaginative Ethnography)
Mark-David Hosale (Department of Computational Arts,n-D::StudioLab)
To RSVP, emailsensinfo@yorku.cafor Zoom event link and password details.
Join us this July as wecontinue our conversation around COVID-19’s reach into our social, cultural and personal lives.
At the moment of writing, Ontario is in Stage 2 of its reopening plan, and here at York, we are looking to reopen even more aspects of the research and academic community in preparations for Fall term. As we move closer to a new ‘normal’, what are the vestiges, lessons and affordances of virtuality and its technologies that linger on with us, and how might these forever alter our interpersonal interactions, trust and intimacy. In the face of such unprecedented change in our technological and social fabric, what use is technology in mediating age-old questions of the self, community and the public? How do we resume our daily activities within such unstable/meta-stable dualities of milieu and individual; work and leisure; office and home?
In this virtual salon, we will continue to hear from faculty and students about their research and stories around these questions, andthrough a virtual medium that continual challenges us to perform such hybridities between technology and the self.
All members of the Sensorium and AMPD community are welcome to attend.
To RSVP, emailsensinfo@yorku.cafor Zoom event link and password details.


Jul 16 2020


2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
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