Sensorium Virtual Fall Mixer
Sensorium Virtual Fall Mixer
Thursday, October 22, 2020
We invite all members of the Sensorium and AMPD community to join us for our Virtual Fall Mixer Thursday, October 22 from 5-7pm!
The event is an opportunity for new and existing community members to connect and share ongoing work/initiatives. The evening will begin with a short introduction and update on centre activities before moving into casual breakout conversations.
Over the last few months, we have been organizing and building communitythroughour digital extensions. How have the new realities and struggles of our digital environment influenced creative processes and the sharing of ideas? How does thedigitalmedium support or deny intimacy and community? What counts as productivity and labor in today’s world?These will serve as casual prompts throughout the event as members meet, mingle and network.
In addition to the classic Zoom format, we will also be simultaneously hosting a virtual Mozilla hubs space where participants can enter into a virtual space and say hello to fellow researcher avatars. For more info on mozilla hubs – seeHERE.