Preliminary Call For Projects Nellie Undergraduate Conference
The Nellie Langford Rowell Library at York University is excited to announce our First Annual Nellie Library Undergraduate Student Conference, to be held virtually on March 4 and 5, 2021. The Nellie looks forward to showcasing the amazing work being produced by our strong, committed, and creative students!
Who should apply:
If you are a third- or fourth-year undergraduate student at York University, and you have recently completed, or are currently working on, a compelling, thought-provoking project you are invited to apply to participate in our First Annual Undergraduate Student Conference. We are seeking interesting and unique projects submitted in the Fall 2020 semester or due in Winter 2021, which are engaged with feminist, anti-racist, intersectional, interdisciplinary and/or decolonizing approaches. If selected, depending on the number of applicants, you will be asked to present for 5 – 10 minutes, followed by a brief question-and-answer period. We look forward to receiving a variety of creative and thought-provoking multi-media projects. This includes, but is not limited to written papers, posters, poetic presentations, storytelling, and visual projects.
If you have a project which you are proud of, which you are eager to share with your peers and the larger York community, and which meets some or all the criteria above, we strongly encourage you to apply!
Please fill out the application form, found here:
If you have questions, please contact the Nellie Library at
Note: the final Call for Proposals is February 16, 2021