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People Forced to Flee: History, Change and Challenge

People Forced to Flee: History, Change and Challenge is produced by UNHCR, the United Nations agency charged with safeguarding the rights and well-being of refugees, other forcibly displaced people and stateless persons around the globe.
The book:
• Traces the history of asylum from ancient period to modern times
• Describes how the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees outgrew post-war Europe to become a global, binding framework for the protection of refugees
• Reviews international responses to internally displaced persons and those forcibly displaced in the context of climate change and disasters
• Discusses the record on finding lasting solutions to forced displacement, the lessons learned and prospects to unlock more
• Charts the growing recognition that forced displacement is a development and humanitarian challenge
• Looks at the potential this holds for improving lives of forcibly displaced persons and the communities in which they live
• Examines how new partnerships are widening the funding base, improving data, evidence and analysis, strengthening innovation and investments in locally led responses