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Pathways to Permanent Residence Info Session

If you are interested in applying for permanent residence, join us for this virtual presentation to find out about the various options you may have. Lawyers from Green and Spiegel will be presenting and answering questions.
Here is how you can participate on Zoom:
If you are using a computer or laptop:

Click on the following meeting link: 601410872
If the link does not work, then click on:
Add the following meeting ID601 410 872 and click ‘Join’.
Once prompted for the window that says, “Launch application”, click on “run”.
Add your name to the window.
Click on ‘Join Meeting’ after entering your name.
You will see the Zoom meeting window.
Screen will ask you for your audio conference options. Please choose accordingly.
NOTE: If you have successfully joined the meeting with working audio, then you will see a green audio icon on the bottom left of thezoom You can also test the speaker and microphone.

If you are using the app on your phone:

Download the Zoom app on the Apple store or Google Play if you do not already have it on your phone.
Open the app and tap “Join a Meeting”.
Add the following meeting ID601 410 872 and click ‘Join’.
Click on “Call using Internet Audio”.

Please join us on Zoom 10 minutes before the session to sign in and test your equipments so that we can start the session at 10:00am without delay.

If you are not sure how to use Zoom, please visit: some tutorials and videos. If you are having trouble accessing the meeting, please


Mar 27 2020


10:00 am - 11:30 am


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