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NSERC Discovery Grant Information Session

This session will be of interest to all York University faculty members who are considering applying to the upcoming NSERC Discovery Grant competition.
This information session will be of interest to both first-time applicants as well as those who are resubmitting applications.
The Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Office of Research Services (ORS) are co-ordinating an NSERC Information Session for those faculty members who are in the process of preparing an NSERC Grant (Discovery and RTI) for the upcoming 2020 NSERC Grant competitions (deadline Nov. 1 and Oct. 25 respectively). All eligible researchers are encouraged to attend this session. These sessions are intended to provide tips and techniques on how to write a successful application, provide information on the Discovery Grant conference model peer review process and guidelines regarding the selection criteria, as well as highlighting new programs and developments at NSERC.
To assist in planning this session, please confirm your attendance by sending an email to or by calling ext. 55055.


May 24 2019


1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Kaneff Tower @ Room 519
QR Code