Modelling the Health Impacts of Global Warming in Malawi
The impacts of climate change include changing patterns of infectious diseases such as cholera, schistosomiasis and malaria, and food security impacts, nutritional impacts such as malnutrition, growth stunting and kwashiorkor secondary to the decreasing quantity and quality of crop yields. For over three years, researchers have focused on engaging localized knowledge, experience and community valuations of health priorities, infrastructure and other needs, in determining the expressed needs and choices of people in the Chilwa Basin of Malawi.
In this seminar, Dr. Orbinski will explore the partnership between York University, University of California, and University of Malawi to expand dialogic and iterative engagement of the affected communities in the Chilwa Basin – with the objective to help further the understanding of policy makers and/or practitioners in the framing, delivery, and communication of our research on the health impacts of global warming.
RSVP here: