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‘Migration Borders Freedom’ Author Harald Bauder.

‘Migration Borders Freedom’ Author Harald Bauder.
October 3, 2018
Ross Building S822
2:30pm – 4:00pm
The Global Labour Speaker Series is pleased to host a discussion of
Migration Borders Freedom with Harald Bauder, Geography, Ryerson University
Discussant Ethel Tungohan, Politics, York University
In today’s world, national citizenship determines a person’s ability to migrate across borders. In Migration Borders Freedom (2017, Routledge), Harald Bauder questions that premise. Recognizing the magnitude of deaths occurring at contemporary borders worldwide, Bauder problematizes the concept of the border and develops arguments for open borders and a world without borders. He explores alternative possibilities, ranging from the practical to the utopian, that link migration with ideas of community, citizenship, and belonging. Bauder calls into question the conventional political imagination that assumes migration and citizenship to be responsibilities of nation states, rather than cities. While he draws on the theoretical work of thinkers such as Ernst Bloch, David Harvey, and Henry Lefebvre, he also presents international empirical examples of policies and practices on migration and claims of belonging.
More information about Migration Borders Freedom
Harald Bauder is Professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, and the Graduate Program for Immigration and Settlement Studies (ISS) at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada, and the founding Academic Director of the Ryerson Centre for Immigration and Settlement (RCIS).
Ethel Tungohan is an Assistant Professor of Politics and Social Science at York University, and a Broadbent Institute Fellow. Her research looks at migrant labor, specifically assessing migrant activism. Her work has been published in academic journals such as the International Feminist Journal of Politics, Politics, Groups, and Identities, and Canadian Ethnic Studies. Dr. Tungohan specializes in socially engaged research and is actively involved in grassroots migrant organizations such as Gabriela-Ontario and Migrante-Canada.
This event is free, although seats are limited.
Please register viaEventBrite
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The Global Labour Speaker Series is organized by the Global Labour Research Centre at York University and is co-sponsored by Department of Social Science, Department of History, School of Social Work, CERLAC, Faculty of Education, Department of Geography and School of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Study.


Oct 03 2018


2:30 pm - 4:00 pm


Ross Building S822
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