Learning from and with Indigenous Community Members Book Club
Join us for our second session of the Learning from and with Indigenous Community Members Book Club, taking place during National Indigenous History Month on Tuesday, June 14 from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
This book club is a space where non-Indigenous and Indigenous people can come together to learn through conversations amongst Indigenous guest speakers in relation to Indigenous literature and topics that are meaningful to them and their nations/communities. It is an invitation to get to know Indigenous community members at York University and in neighbouring communities. The intention is to cultivate learning about the diverse histories, ways of knowing, ways of being, lived experiences, identities, and visions for the future of Indigenous Peoples.
Guest peakers are Marianne and Georgie Groat, settler/Haudenosaunee sisters, who will be in dialogue with one another about the award-winning book Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants by Potawatomi scholar Robin Wall Kimmerer.
This event is open to any member of the York University community. If you would like to join, please click on the following registration link [https://yorku.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIvceCsrDMvGtErOdJS8ex3jYmXvn5elg6Q].