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Labour and Development Strategies in the Global South: How labour relations moulded new developmentalism in Argentina and authoritarian neoliberalism in Turkey

GLRC and CERLAC are pleased to host

Labour and Development Strategies in the Global South: How labour relations moulded new developmentalism in Argentina and authoritarian neoliberalism in Turkey

Dr. Sumercan Bozkurt-Gungen, York University
Tuesday, March 5
Ross S802, York University
More than one and a half decade after their worst economic crises endured in their recent history in 2001, Argentina and Turkey are back in the spotlight with another concurrent crisis led by rapidly rising consumer prices and sharp depreciation of their currencies. Observers lumping together these two cases tend to give little or no attention to important differences between the rival development strategies put into effect in these two cases by the 2000s. In this talk, Dr. Bozkurt-Gungen will explore how labour relations and labour policies have differently moulded the post-2001 political-economic trajectories in Argentina and Turkey, characterized by a neo-developmentalist orientation in the former and the entrenchment of the neoliberal agenda with increasingly authoritarian characteristics in the latter.
Dr. Bozkurt-Gungen is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Science and the Department of Political Science at York University. She is a scholar in residence at the Global Labour Research Centre and the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean at York for the 2018-2019 academic year. Her current research addresses the links between authoritarian forms of governance; relations of production and social reproduction; and limits to and prospects for collective, democratic empowerment.
This is a free event, however seats are limited. Please RSVP!
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Light refreshments will be served.
All are welcome.
TheGlobal Labour Speaker Seriesis organized by the Global Labour Research Centre at York University and is co-sponsored by Department of Social Science, Department of Politics, Department of History, School of Social Work, CERLAC, Faculty of Education, Department of Geography, Department of Sociology and School of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Study.


Mar 05 2019


2:30 pm - 4:00 pm


Ross Building S802
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