Collaborative, Constructive, Considerate: Fostering Dialogue on Best Practices in Graduate Supervision in Canada
As part of our 60th anniversary celebrations, the Faculty of Graduate Studies at York University, in partnership with Memorial University of Newfoundland, is pleased to announce a one-day fully online Graduate Supervision Conference geared specifically for graduate supervisors.
Central to graduate student success and retention is the educative role of the supervisor and supervisory committee. Struck with a central task of inspiring, mining and refining graduate student scholarship, the act of graduate supervision involves key components of self-reflection, capacity-building efforts and attention to the relational. Strong supervisory efficacy is not innate, nor is it sufficiently acquired through an osmotic transfer from one’s own experience of being supervised. It benefits from a scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL) approach, from intentional pedagogical practices, mutuality, and reflexivity and from the fostering of dialogue regarding best practices.
Developed with graduate supervisors in mind, York University’s 60th Anniversary Graduate Supervision Conference, in partnership with Memorial University of Newfoundland, seeks to foster dialogue amongst graduate supervisors regarding best practices in graduate supervision. Join us as we welcome experts regarding the pragmatics of supervision, mediating conflict and the requisite principles that are now guiding Ontario universities. Following a lunch break, we welcome two panels featuring award-winning supervisors reflecting on the themes of the conference in a Fireside chat, followed by a sampling of graduate supervisory supports across the Canadian university landscape. The conference will close with a go-forward plan to develop national principles for graduate supervision in Canada. We hope you’ll join us!
Date: Friday, May 31st 2024
Time: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM (EST)
Location: Online via Zoom
Registration is FREE: RSVP Form
For more details, please visit our conference site: