Globally Networked Learning (GNL) Webinar
Interested in innovative pedagogies that combine internationalization and experiential education?Interested in co-teaching a course with an international partner?
GNL pedagogy supportsstudent-centered learning and teachingfor the 21stcentury university. It supports the development ofglobal competencies- among students and instructors – required to adapt, thrive, and succeed in becomingglobal citizensengaged incomplex, intercultural problem solving. As a form of experiential education that transcends borders, the promise of GNL can be reinforced throughopen pedagogy, development ofdigital literacy and production, and other forms ofinnovative knowledge-making practicesacross cultures.
GNL Launch Recording – July 14
GNL Webinar Slides
More Resources for Faculty Members:
GNL Call For Participation (English)
GNL Call for Participation (French)
GNL Proposal Submission Form