Globalizing Filipino Songs, Bodies and Sounds: Homeplace Beyond Homeland
Ricardo D. Trimillos, University of Hawai’I at Manoa
Homeplace is an important marker of Filipino identity in such contexts of population and geographic mobility as theorized by Cuba and Hummon (1993). Given Filipino geographical mobility, the depiction of homeplace in the diaspora almost always references geographic materiality. With the recognition that diaspora both references and informs a material homeland, I will present selected musical manifestations of homeplace.
Ricardo D. Trimillos is Professor of Ethnomusicology at the Music Department and Chair of Asian Studies at the School of Pacific & Asian Studies, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa. His purview is broadly based and includes the expressive arts (music, dance, theatre) in their social environment. He has been consultant to a number of governments (including the former Soviet Union, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Hong Kong) in the area of arts and public policy. His research foci include Asian performance, Hawaiian music and dance, and the music of Muslim groups in the Southern Philippines. His theoretical emphases include ethnic identity, the arts and public policy, and issues of gender in the arts of the Pacific and Asia. He is a recognised resource for world music in public education. His publications-in three languages-include articles on Asian-Americans, world music in higher education, cross-cultural implications for the arts, interrelationships of the arts, Philippine ritual, and Hawaiian music.
This event Philippine Studies Group at York University event is co-presented by the Department of Dance and the York Centre for Asian Research.
The 2023 activities of the Philippine Studies Group at the York Centre for Asian Research, York University are supported through funding from the Philippine Consulate General in Toronto. For more information about the Philippine Studies Group:
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