Garden Party and Outreach Event at the EUC Native Plant Garden
The Centre for Bee Ecology, Evolution & Conservation (BEEc), in partnership with the Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change, invites everyone (students, staff, faculty, community members) to join a Garden Party on Thursday, May 16 from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. outside the Health, Nursing & Environmental Studies Building (HNES) on York University’s Keele Campus.
In celebration of World Bee Day on the following Monday, everyone is welcome to drop by our outreach table to learn more about native plants and pollinators by chatting with experts, picking up handouts and looking at interpretive items. No RSVPs are required for this part of the event, just come on by any time between 2:30 and 5:30 p.m. If the weather is poor, the table will be just inside HNES.
Volunteers are also going to breathe some new life into the Native Plant Garden by removing invasive species and adding more flowering native plants, as well as doing some other general maintenance work. This will help to support pollinators and other wildlife, and increase the overall biodiversity and beauty of this site. The event will run rain or shine, and no experience or equipment is needed to participate. If you are interested in helping with this part of the event (or at the outreach table itself), RSVP by May 12: forms.gle/iePsoqdugb2tWWXR8.
No previous experience is required.
Thank you to World Wildlife Fund Canada for providing funding for this event.