‘Fragments of Memory’ Exhibition
Join us on the afternoon of Tuesday, Oct. 8 for the launch of Fragments of Memory, an exciting and challenging new exhibition of storytelling and recovered memory of the African diasporas. Brazilian artist Pablo Parra has represented the biographies of five individuals of the African diaspora and transatlantic slave trade. These striking portraits express the emotion that the artist felt in receiving these accounts. On the opening night, there will be a panel discussion with the project director, Bruno R. Véras; co-editor of the UNESCO General History of Africa, Professor Paul E. Lovejoy; and artist Pablo Parra. This conversation will engage the audience on methodologies in bridging research and creative representation. This exhibit, a public history initiative, is part of the UNESCO official celebrations for the 25th anniversary of the Slave Route Project: Resistance, Liberty, Heritage, during the United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent.