FOOD SOVEREIGNTY NOW! Intellectual Property Regimes, Seed Laws & Farmers’ Intellectual Property Regimes, Seed Laws & Farmers’ Rights
Featuring Mamadou Goita (Mali) – IRPAD; Larissa Packer (Brazil) GRAIN; Marvin Gómez (Honduras) SeedChange
Simultaneous translation to Spanish & French available
Smallholder and Indigenous farmers steward the incredible crop diversity that most of the world relies on today. The need and ability for communities to save, exchange and sell their seeds are recognized in the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (FAO) as Farmers’ Rights. Rather than recognize these rights, most seed laws around the world are increasingly criminalizing farmer seed systems to facilitate the expansion of corporate agribusiness. However, some countries are exploring or implementing progressive seed policies – thanks to the advocacy of civil society. This session will provide an overview on Farmers’ Rights and seed laws, and speakers will explore the state of corporate control over seeds and the impact on food systems, laws and intellectual property regimes facilitating the expansion of agribusiness, and how peasant movements are mobilizing with alternatives in Latin America and West Africa.
This event is part of FOOD SOVEREIGNTY NOW!, the 2023 edition of the Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change’s annual research seminar series, in partnership with SeedChange. Inspired by La Via Campesina’s rallying cry, FOOD SOVEREIGNTY NOW showcases the work of Indigenous, small farmer and peasant movements across Turtle Island and the Global South. Four webinars held over the winter term will explore themes related to Food & Seed Sovereignty, featuring movement leaders working to strengthen traditional and agroecological food systems and to defend women’s and farmers rights, in the face of land grabbing, restrictive intellectual property right regimes and policies designed to support the expansion of corporate agribusiness.
Presented by York University’s Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change in partnership with SeedChange
Registration link: https://yorku.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1bGy0pEjTPKjnKNe_UQF0g