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Food sovereignty, climate justice and racial justice: Making the links

In this panel discussion, organizer, educator, and writer, Kali Akuno, will share his experiences leading Cooperation Jackson, an emerging network of worker cooperatives and supporting institutions. Akuno and Cooperation Jackson are fighting to create economic democracy by creating a vibrant solidarity economy in Jackson, Mississippi that will help transform Mississippi and the South. We will then hear from some of the University’s local voices, including Leticia Deawuo of Black Creek Community Farm and Adabu Brownhill Jefwa with the National Farmers Union.
Many rightfully argue that alternative economies–including alternative food networks–continue to benefit middle-class white people, while further marginalizing communities of colour and low-income folks. In this panel, we ask: What alternative economic models can we point to, and to what extent can these models help achieve food, racial and climate justice together? To what extent can alternative economic models work for everyone, and how can they more meaningfully prioritize racially and economically marginalized peoples?


Feb 25 2020


2:30 pm - 4:30 pm


Founders College, Room 305 @ York University 4700 Keele Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3
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