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Food is the language! Grow it!

The Oral History, Food and Justice and Music-Making (OJAM) project invites you to celebrate the launch of our zine “Grow it” and the release of our single “Food is the Language.”

Come celebrate the unsung heroes in the Black, Caribbean and African community who work for food justice and food security. Let’s celebrate those who reinvent and nurture the intergenerational food cultures of the diaspora.

With performances and readings by Ruben “Beny” Esguerra, Lord-Emmanuel Achidago, the Toronto Black Farmers Collective, Nasra Mohamed and more.

OJAM research team is comprised of Lord-Emmanuel Achidago, Ruben “Beny” Esguerra, Honor Ford-Smith, Nasra Mohamed, Krystle Skeete, Marvin Veloso and New Tradition Music.

Special thanks to Byron Gray, manager of York University TD-Community Engagement Centr, and support from the Helen Carswell Chair in Community Engaged Research in the Arts, Regent Park School of Music – Jane and Finch, and the Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change.

Refreshments will be served.


Dec 05 2023


11:30 am - 1:30 pm


EUC Lounge, Ground Floor, HNES Building


Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change
Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change
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