Experience Markham Campus: First Year Decoded
Do you have plans for March break? Do you want to make the most of your time and prepare for your transition to university at the Markham Campus?
Join us in-person (at YSpace Markham – 169 Enterprise Blvd., Markham) or online and attend mini-lectures given by your future professors!
See what a first-year class might feel like and the kinds of assignments and presentations you’ll be doing. Best of all, you’ll meet future classmates and connect with staff and professors who will be a part of your journey for the next four years.
Register online: eventbrite.ca/e/experience-markham-campus-first-year-decoded-tickets-837705488667?aff=yueventlist.
Thursday, March 14
Morning Session
9:30 a.m. Introductions and Welcome
11 a.m. Current York Student Panel
Afternoon Session
1 p.m. Markham Campus Design & Technology Lecture (Associate Professor Michael Darroch and Assistant Professor Marissa Largo)
2:45 p.m. Starting Strong and Maintaining Momentum: Tips for Day 1 at University and Beyond