Ernest C. Mercier Lecture in Entrepreneurial Science: Bracing for the Entrepreneurial Thrillride
The Lassonde School of Engineering and Schulich School of Business invites you to attend the 2022 Ernest C. Mercier Lecture in Entrepreneurial Science.
We are honoured to welcome Dan Tzotzis (BBA ’02, MBA ’10), co-founder of AWAKE Chocolate to present this year’s lecture “Bracing for the Entrepreneurial Thrillride.”
Bracing for the Entrepreneurial Thrillride:
20 years of stories, paired with the occasional insight, Dan Tzotzis will share his perspective on what to expect as a new entrepreneur and some of the lessons he has picked up to help manage through the roller coaster ride of an entrepreneur’s life.
The lecture will be held virtually over a Zoom webinar. We encourage guests to engage in the Q&A session following the lecture.