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Employer Recruitment Session: Hatch Ltd.

The Hatch Information Session is a learning and networking opportunity. Students will first hear from members of the business on the type of work Hatch is involved in and what our new graduate recruitment process looks like. The presentation will be followed by a networking session.

What Positions are you recruiting for?
Hatch will be posting general ads by discipline of study. Our new graduate hiring program is large and broad. Students will have the opportunity to interview with multiple members of the business to work with our hiring team to find the best position that suites their interests and educational/experiential background.
How should students apply for these positions? Our new graduate opportunities will be made available through the York University job board. Applications will be directed to Hatch’s recruitment platform. Students must note that these opportunities will not be available on the Hatch Corporate Website.
Targeted to: 4th year, 5th year, Graduate studies, New Grad (graduated in past 2 yrs)
Registration is required. You may register for this event on the Career Centre’s online system (you must sign up for an account before you will be able to register for any events on the system).


Sep 28 2018


11:30 am - 1:00 pm


103 McLaughlin College (Career Centre Presentation Room)
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