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Emerging Leadership Training (ELT)

Register for Emerging Leadership Training (ELT)
About ELT
If you are thinking about getting involved at York and/or you want to build on your existing leadership skills that you developed in high school, your workplace and/or your community, then this training is for you. We want to introduce you to the culture of Peer Leadership at Calumet and Stong Colleges and at York University. We have developed a highly interactive program where you will explore topics with your peers in small and large groups. Students attending this training will learn more about:

The benefits of leadership and engagement
Emotional intelligence
Resiliency, grit, and growth mindset
Action planning
Adaptability to change
Giving and receiving feedback

Available Dates and Times
ELT will be offered on the following days. Please register for one of the dates below:

Sunday, January 31, 2021 – 12:00 pm to 4:30 pm (30-minute break scheduled in)
Tuesday, February 16, 2021 – 11:00 am to 3:30 pm (Reading Week – no classes scheduled, and a 30-minute break is scheduled)

What we need from you
To receive a certificate of participation, you will be required to meet the following 5 program requirements:

Participate in the full training (participants are asked to arrive on time and stay until the training ends).
Have access to a webcam, mic, and internet. You will be asked to keep your camera on and participate in the live small and large group discussions.
Complete all pre instructional activities, prior to the scheduled training, (2-hour commitment prior to the training) using the eClass platform.
Complete all post-training activities (1-hour commitment after the training).
Attend your scheduled Academic Orientation session on January 8, 2021, if you are a new student to York. ELT does NOT replace the mandatory Academic Orientation session for all new students.

If you have any questions please contact Agata Stypka, Student Success Coordinator at


Feb 16 2021


11:00 am - 3:30 pm
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