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Electro-Acoustic Orchestra and Dispersion Relation X (Virtual Event)

Electro-Acoustic Orchestra @ Dispersion Relation X Continues!
Dispersion specializes in carving out a virtual space of community, allowing for remote connections of listening and sounding.
The Electro-Acoustic Orchestra (dir. Doug Van Nort) is an ensemble comprised of a mixture of acoustic and electronic performers. It is an emergent sonic organism that evolves through collective attention to all facets of sound, and soundpainting-based real-time composition.
The conducting language used with the group is based on Soundpainting, with modifications and additions by Van Nort for the electro-acoustic context. In the words of the language’s inventor: “The Soundpainter (the composer) standing in front (usually) of the group communicates a series of signs using hand and body gestures indicating specific and/or aleatoric material to be performed by the group. The Soundpainter develops the responses of the performers, moulding and shaping them into the composition then signs another series of gestures, a phrase, and continues in this process of composing the piece.”
The EAO functions as a year-round resident ensemble for the DisPerSion Lab, and also runs as an undergraduate and graduate course during the Fall terms. EAO integrates members from YorkU, the larger Toronto electroacoustic and improvising communities, and the international community of electro/acoustic improvisers via performances over the internet.
Event Information
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Zoom Event Link
More Information: Dispersion Lab Facebook Page


Aug 22 2020


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


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