Does Care Count for Less? Female Immigrant Workers in Canada
The Global Labour Speaker Series is pleased to host:
Does Care Count for Less? Female Immigrant Workers in Canada
Guest Speaker
Dr. Naomi Lightman, Assistant Professor, University of Calgary
Dr. Fay Faraday, Assistant Professor, Osgood Hall Law School
Thursday, Nov. 7
519 Kaneff Tower, York University
1 to 2:30 p.m.
Canada has long relied on importing women from poorer countries to fill gaps in its paid care market. Yet little is known about the upward or downward trajectory of immigrant women who arrive intending to work in lower skill care. Using a unique longitudinal administrative dataset (the International Migration Database), Lightman estimates growth curve models of employment income for 236,405 non-professional, non-managerial immigrant women in Canada between 1993-2015. Results show a “care [wage] penalty” for almost all intended care workers. Yet entry class also matters, as women who enter via the family reunification and economic immigration streams have even lower employment incomes than women in the Live-in Caregiver Program.
Naomi Lightman is assistant professor of sociology at the University of Calgary. Her areas of research expertise include migration, care work, gender, and quantitative research methodology. Her work has appeared in journals such as European Sociological Review, Journal of European Social Policy, International Migration Reviewand International Labour Review. She is the co-author of the second edition of the textbook Social Policy in Canada (with E. Lightman, 2017). Dr. Lightman brings extensive experience working with large-scale Statistics Canada datasets and has collaborated with various social agencies and government bodies, including Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada, Social Planning Toronto, the Wellesley Institute and the Calgary Local Immigration Partnership.
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All are welcome.
The Global Labour Speaker Series is organized by the Global Labour Research Centre at York University and is co-sponsored by the School of Social Work, Faculty of Education, Department of Equity Studies, Department of Anthropology, Department of Sociology, Department of Geography, Social & Political Thought program, Department of Philosophy, Department of History, Master of Public Policy, Administration & Law program, Department of Politics, School of Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies, Department of Social Science.