Department of English presents: Anne Bourne – Sounding Difference: The Listening Text Scores of Pauline Oliveros
Oct. 29, 2018 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
The Paul Delaney Gallery, BC 320
In this workshop/talk, Anne Bourne will introduce the great American composer/musician Pauline Oliveros and her practice of deep listening, and then lead participants through a series of sonic meditations and practices aimed at transforming our relationship to sound.
Toronto-based composer Anne Bourne creates soundfields from emergent streams of cello and voice. She imparts the text scores and listening practice of composer Pauline Oliveros, who she studied and collaborated with for many years. Seasoned in international intermedia performance and song recording, Bourne believes creative expression is an opportunity for attending the beauty of difference, through listening.