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CRS Seminar: Theory and practice: Responses to Irregular Migration

Smuggling, Trafficking and Extortion in Libya: New Conceptual and Policy Challenges
Anna Triandafyllidou, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration, Ryerson University
Anna Triandafyllidou(@triandafyllidou) is the newCanada Excellence Research Chairin Migration and Integration at Ryerson University. Prior to her CERC at Ryerson, Anna was based in Florence, Italy, where she held a Robert Schuman Chair at the European University Institute where she directed theCultural Pluralism research areaat the EUI’s Global Governance Program.She is the Editor of theJournal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. She has been Visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges between 2002 and 2018. Anna’s recent books include: Migrants with Irregular Status in Europe(Springer IMISCOE, with S. Spencer ed., 2020);Migration and Globalisation Handbook(E. Elgar, ed. 2018);The Problem of Religious Diversity(with T. Modood, ed. Edinburgh University Press, 2018);Multicultural Governance in a Mobile World(ed. Edinburgh University Press, 2018),Global Governance from Regional Perspectives(Oxford University Press, ed., 2017). Her authored books include What is Europe?(with R. Gropas, Palgrave, 2015), Migrant Smuggling (2012, Palgrave, with Th. Maroukis), (2001) Immigrants and National Identity in Europe (2001, Routledge). She is currently working on a monograph on Migration, Globalisation and the Nation.
Skating on thin ice: Applying crisis management for population flows
Andreas I. Pottakis, Greek Ombudsman
Andreas Pottakis is currently serving as the Greek Ombudsman. He studied Law at the Universities of Athens and Oxford where he was awarded a doctorate (D.Phil.) in EU Public Law. He has lectured at various European Universities, in the UK, in Italy, in Turkey and in Greece where he has also pursued a career as a lawyer before the Supreme Court. He is a professor and the Provost for postgraduate studies at the European Law and Governance School (ELGS), and the Alternate Director of the Academy of European Public Law. From 2011 until 2015, Andreas Pottakis served as legal advisor to the General Secretariat of the Hellenic Government, while from 2015 until early 2016 he was appointed at the position of Head of the Legal Office. He has published extensively on a wide range of areas, including, inter alia, European Public Law, Comparative Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law, and the legal protection of Human Rights.

co-organized with the Hellenic Heritage Foundation Chair in Modern Greek History and Hellenic Studies


Feb 11 2020


12:30 pm - 2:00 pm


626 Kaneff Tower @ 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
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