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CREATE DAV Summer School 2019

The multi-institutional, interdisciplinary CREATE Program in Data Analytics & Visualization (DAV) at York University in Toronto offers an all-expenses-paid undergraduate summer school on big data science.
The program includes talks by CREATE DAV faculty and industry experts on current research topics in big data science, as well as hands-on experience in York and OCAD U laboratories. The curriculum reflects the wide range of research areas at CREATE DAV, which includes research on machine learning, data mining, signal processing, computer vision, image processing, computer graphics, virtual human modelling, serious games, natural language processing, human perception and cognition, visualization and design.
The program accepts undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing a career in big data science. It is intended mainly for students who are planning to apply to graduate school in late 2019 and are interested in investigating interdisciplinary research aspects of the big data science. Citizens of all countries are eligible.


Jun 25 - 29 2019


12:00 am - 12:00 am


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