Consent Week: Informational Consent for Black and Racialized Bodies in Virtual and IRL Spheres
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Session description: Exploring the delightful range of informational consent for Black and racialized queer trans and shapeshifting bodies in virtual and real-life spheres.
Facilitator introduction: My name is Sapphire Woods (they/them) and I am a Black of Caribbean descent shapeshifter, storyteller, Virgo sun and Aquarius moon living on and intrinsically inspired by Algonquin territories and its forests. In the thick of my Saturn return, I spend a lot of time (re)learning how to ingest tenderness and my relationship to self-conservation and consent for myself and within my community. I build community through acts of service, and am intent on expanding the ways we can move fluidly in our relationships that honour dignity and respect for our intersecting identities. On most weekdays, you can find me plotting ways to organize mutual aid, using someone’s student login to download articles on the Shango Baptists in Trinidad and talking to my Granny on the phone.